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Casafina Tabletop

Donna and Samuel Smith, the founders of the brand, embarked on numerous journeys to Italy and Portugal in search of suppliers with centuries-old expertise in artisanal ceramics. They visited pottery workshops and local factories, witnessing skilled craftsmen meticulously creating and hand-painting each piece. These experiences inspired them to craft a collection of enchanting and authentic pieces that continue to define CASAFINA's style to this day. In 2017, the brand was acquired by the COSTA NOVA Indústria Group, a longtime partner and supplier. This acquisition occurs due to the close bonds of friendship and trust that have developed over the years between the leaders of both companies. Today, Casafina is distributed globally, available in retail stores, department stores, hotels, and restaurants.

"My parents, who loved to travel, decided when I was 12 years old that we would embark on a luxurious journey with PanAm to Italy. Our first stop was Rome, where my mother had many relatives. Late dinners and homemade food served on beautiful rustic dishes felt simultaneously familiar and foreign to me. It was as if I were at home but living an adventure. I felt on cloud nine! Since then, I knew that food, family, and friends would play a significant role in my life. I savored every moment of that trip!"

Donna Cacciatore Smith


Casafina Pacifica

Casafina Pacifica

Casafina Fontana

Casafina Fontana

Casafina Poterie

Casafina Poterie