Sourhouse designs starter jars to be the easiest-to-clean sourdough starter jars in the world. There are no threads in which the starter can collect and gunk up. The lid fits the outside of the jar with just enough friction to be secure, but also allows the starter to breathe.
Made of soft silicone, the lid hugs the outside of the jar, keeping contaminants out. Dry starter flakes off the lid with a squeeze. The bottom of the jar is flat to optimize contact with Goldie’s warming base for efficient warmth transfer. Clear, borosilicate glass allows you to easily see any bits of dry flour which need to be mixed into the starter.
Straight sides make for easy mixing and cleaning as well as tracking the rise of the starter. On the side of the quart jar are dots in 100ml and 200ml increments for those who like to keep larger starters or to build a levain in advance of a bake. Each jar comes with a gold rubber band. There is enough clearance inside to use a Sourhouse Cooling Puck.
All parts are dishwasher safe and it is recommended to use a silicone spatula or wooden utensil.